Thursday, September 6, 2012

Autumn .. a Time of Renewal.

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  And yet, it's actually the season of slowing down, sloughing off, and yes ... even death.   How could anything like that be so beautiful?  The vibrant reds, yellows and oranges of the leaves just before they fall to the ground and die. 
The gorgeous, sleek horses romp and play in the crisp air even as they begin to grow their shaggy overcoats to keep them warm when the north winds begin to blow. Slowly the sweet songs of the birds begin to die out as they head for warmer climates.  The butterflies in the fields disappear.   The prairies of wildflowers are turning brown .. mourning the deaths of the morning glories, bluebonnets, and buttercups.  And yet...there's a hint of excitement in the air. 
                                      Where did that come from?
Since the beginning of time, the seasons have come and gone. (Ecc. 3:3)  The earth knows that new life is only lying dormant for a time and then will return with renewed glory and vigor.  The bare trees stand proud and tall, knowing this is only a season of renewal.  The birds and butterflies disappear to warmer climates ... for a time of refreshing ... they know they will return bringing new life with them in the Spring.   Wild flowers that once spread their beauty across the fields have dropped their seeds, to lie in their deep earthy graves ... awaiting the day they will spring forth in a blaze of color.   As I gaze out at the fall beauty around me, I hear that still small Voice within whispering, "Consider the lilies of the field.."  (Luke 12:27-28)  Hmmm...

These seasons of renewal are not only for the earth ... they're for me
...  and for you.  

The beauty of this approaching Fall season is prompting me to reflect on things in my life that need renewing. I need a time of refreshing. There are areas of my heart and spirit that have lain dormant (did they die?) for a time.  But as I turn my eyes toward the Giver of Life I can feel my spirit leap to attention.  My hope and faith are renewed.  I can look at things differently ... disappointments are still there but now I can put them behind me and move forward with the promise of better things on the horizon.  Grief and loss are being replaced with hope and expectation. 

What do you need renewed in your life today?  What difference would it make if you focused your attention on the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you?  (Heb 13:5) That surely Goodness and Mercy will follow you ALL the days of your life and your soul will be restored?  (Psalm 23)   

The root of the word "refreshing" means to "cool by blowing" with the potential for change and renewal ... the place where we can experience the very breath of God, ".... a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3:19-21)  

The cooler temperatures haven't reached our part of Texas yet ... but they're on the way.  However, after spending some much needed quiet time in His presence, some soul-searching and yes, some repenting, I'm enjoying my time of refreshing and renewal ... and ready to continue living life with purpose and joy!