I pray this is not your mindset today. But is there someone you know or know of who is discouraged, disappointed, sinking in despair while it seems everyone around them is counting their blessings? As a Life Coach I see many people who are so burdened down with the circumstances of their life that they can't find anything to be thankful for ... they've lost their hope.
It's hard to be thankful with a broken heart...
with an empty wallet...
or sitting across from an empty chair at the table.
This year there will be two empty chairs at our table. Yes, I've shed some tears this week .. but I have also added to my "Things I'm Thankful For" list.
I can be thankful because God has healed my broken heart ... and I know He's there to heal it if it breaks again.
He's provided for my every need when my wallet was empty. He is Jehovah Jireh - my Provider ... and I know His provision is unending.
He holds me close and whispers "Peace" when I weep over the empty chairs at our Thanksgiving table ... and my heart is assured that I will see my precious mother and aunt again.
There are so many, especially with the holidays approaching, who feel there is nothing in their life to be thankful for. Who can you reach out to with a touch, a smile, a word of encouragement? If we are truly thankful for what God has done for and given to us, why not "pay it forward" by offering hope to the hopeless, comfort to the brokenhearted, friendship to the lonely?
And before you know it, you'll discover you're living life with Purpose and Joy!
Beautiful, Debbi! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. The Lord is using you to reach so many with your blog and with your Facebook page. There are prayers going up for you and your family today. Love you.