Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What's In a Name Anyway? (The Innkeeper's Story)

We've all read the Christmas story as it's written in the gospels.  We get four different perspectives from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  But ... have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear the story from the innkeeper's perspective?   Or .... better yet .... from his wife?   Well I have.  Loving to take literary license I sometimes write in things that don't belong in a particular time period or setting so keep that in mind as you read my rendition of how the innkeeper's wife might have told her story about what happened at their place the night Jesus was born.

After calling several of her friends excitedly to tell her news and getting nothing but answering machines, she's pretty excited to finally reach a live person and I picture the conversation as going something like this:

"Oh dear, now I don't remember why I called.  Oh yes!  I wanted to tell you about all the excitement around here last night.  Just wait til you hear!  The most amazing thing happened!  Well .. as you know, all the inns around here have been filled up for days because of everyone having to come back and register for that new tax law.  Yesterday, we were closing up early because we had just rented out our last room for the evening when this couple came in looking for a place to stay. Well, Samuel told them we were full but the man said his wife was about to give birth and they'd already been turned away everywhere else.  So Samuel told them they could stay in the stable if they wanted.  But you know me, I made sure a bill was made out and put in the drawer .... and I charged them full rate too!  But that's not what I called to tell you.

Sometime after we'd all gone to bed and had been asleep for a while, I awoke with this incredibly bright light shining in my face.  The shutters were closed but this light was so intense, it shone right through them!  I woke Samuel and we went out to see what it was. What's that? 

Of course he was scared!
But I had him by the tail of his nightshirt and he didn't have any choice but to come along.  Anyway, when we got outside, the whole sky was ablaze -- by this time we could hear singing and music.  It was the most incredible thing I'd ever seen!  This bright light was shining right over the stable and, when we got up closer, we could see that the sky was filled with .... Dorcas, are you sitting down?  The sky was filled with angels! 
No ... I had not been drinking!!  Do you want to hear the rest of my story?  Now .. where was I?  The angels!  They were singing the most beautiful music.  I couldn't help but think how wonderful some of those songs would sound in the synagogue --- you know, kind of break the monotony of singing the same old songs, Sabbath after Sabbath.  Although, old Sister Fishburne probably couldn't get the chords right on that harp of hers.  I don't know why they continue to let her keep plunking away on that old thing when Grace's daughter can play so beautifully.  Alright, alright .... I was getting to that.
We could hardly get inside for all the camels and donkeys and goats, and what have you.  It looked like an entire caravan had stopped right outside our stable doors.  Actually, now that I think of it ... that's exactly what happened.  A caravan from somewhere back east with three wise men, or kings, or whatever they were.  You could tell just by what they left outside they were filthy rich.  I mean it!  Those camels had finer dresses than anything I've got in my closet!
Anyway, I finally got through and got a good look at them.  One of them was just kind of ordinary, nose-in-the-air type, and one was short and dumpy.  He couldn't hear very well either and I'm not sure he really knew any more about what was going on than I did.  But, Honey, when that tall one turned around and looked right at me, I nearly swooned.  That man had some eyes ... let me tell you ... he had some eyes.  If he had raised one eyebrow, I'd have had everything I own packed and thrown across his camel in a flash!"  (Can't you just see her fanning herself?)
"Oh right ... like you wouldn't!  Just let me tell my story.
Remember that couple I told you had stopped by and Samuel had let them stay in the stable?  Well, the woman had had the baby sometime during the night ... a little boy.  It turns out everyone had come to see the baby!  Wise men, angels, even the shepherds had come down off the hills --- and they brought the sheep with them ... of course!  You should see my lawn!  Let me tell you .. I was taking names!  Everyone of those sheep farmers is going to get a bill from my groundskeeper!  What a mess!
Oh, and speaking of a mess.  We're out there trying to get everybody out of there and trying to get all of the animals calmed back down when here comes the news media!  And me still in my nightgown and curlers, with cold cream all over my face!  I'm telling you it was a madhouse! 
Angels and helicopters everywhere. 
And on the ground it was even worse.  Reporters running around pushing microphones up in everyone's face ... camels tripping over cords.   I thought they'd never get out of there.  This place looks like we just closed down a three-ring circus!
Yes .. everything's quiet now.  I went and had a look for myself at that new baby.  I guess he's cute enough but he didn't look so special to me.  Kind of scrawny really.  My Jonathan, now that was a pretty baby. 
But .... there was something different about his eyes.

He seemed to look me right in the face.  I know newborns don't really see very well but this baby looked right into my eyes and ... I don't know .... I just felt kind of weird...

like he knew who I was and everything about me.
Yes, Samuel's really excited about the whole thing.  He said one of those guys from the east told him that the birth of this child had been foretold centuries ago and that a special star had guided them to our stable  They said this little baby was supposed to be a great king or something like that.  He's already called the folks on the west coast about movie rights or some crazy thing.  You know Samuel .. anything to make a shekel!  He's out there now tearing down that shed.  Thinks he's going to make a killing at the market selling pieces of the manger that kid was born in.  I mean, really Dorcas .... a hundred years from now what difference is it going to make?

What did they name him?  Well, I think they named him Jesus.  No ... I've never heard that name before either.  Oh well ... what's in a name anyway?

Jesus ... Jesus ... Jesus
there's just something about that Name.
Master ... Savior .... Jesus
like the fragrance after the rain.
Jesus ... Jesus ... Jesus
let all Heaven and Earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
but there's something about that Name.
 (Bill & Gloria Gaither)

There's Just Something About That Name

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Grinch has struck again ...

... but Christmas is still the most wonderful time of the year!
When I was a child I loved this story and my kids and now their kids love watching this Christmas special each year about the people of Whoville whose Christmas trappings, trees, gifts and food were stolen by the Grinch who hated Christmas.  He was so sure he would stop Christmas from coming once and for all ....
 but it came just the same.        
I've seen the Grinch already this year.  Our family has been hit hard with nearly unbearable loss .... we've had deaths, heartbreak, financial setbacks ... all just as the holiday season begins to unfold once again.  Everywhere I turn I see the sooty footprints the Grinch has left as he crept through our lives stealing our happiness and peace of mind. 
At least ... that's what he thought he was doing.   But he's in for a surprise.  
Yesterday I wept as I placed flowers on the fresh grave of my younger sister, Annette.  Then turned and placed flowers on the graves of my mother and aunt who will be celebrating their second Christmas in the presence of the King this year.  Last night I received word of two more totally unexpected deaths in our extended family.  Today I spent time with my precious dad who could barely stay awake and couldn't talk to me.  More tears.   And yet..  the song is still there.

Do you hear what I hear?
I hear music .. children practicing for their school & church Christmas pageants.  I hear laughter as they make their Christmas lists and color pictures of angels and wise men on camels.  I hear the tinkling bells of the Salvation Army volunteers collecting donations for the less fortunate in our area ... so I pull out a couple of bills to put in the kettle.

And the smile on my face finds its way to my heart. 
So much has been stolen from my family at the beginning of this Christmas season and yet we still have each other, steadfast friends and a deep, abiding faith in the true meaning of Christmas ... God's love personified in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. 
Yes, the Grinch has struck ... but my heart is still full of Christmas.  I've determined not to let the Grinch steal the joy .. the good will .. the song in my heart that comes with knowing that Christmas is more than lights, presents and long lines at the department store.  It's celebrating my personal relationship with the Saviour ... the Giver of Life ... the everlasting Prince of Peace.  
The tears may come again tomorrow but my heart will still sing
Joy to the World ... the Lord has come!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Another Empty Chair

This will be my second holiday season since the deaths of my mother and aunt in a car accident, and I was not expecting to have yet another empty chair at our Thanksgiving table this year.  Just when I was beginning to settle into my new "normal" without them ... my sister, Annette, slipped away in her sleep a few days ago.  Wait!  We were supposed to be old ladies together ... and I'm the big sister ... I always go first. 

Not this time.

Through my tears and initial shock I'm left wondering how can I give thanks today?  But it doesn't take long for that list to form in my mind.

57 years of being the older sister and bossing her around
countless wonderful childhood memories 
a lifelong friend who prayed with and for me during life's ups and downs
a brother-in-love and nieces and nephews who have made my life richer

                         .... and the list goes on.

Is there an empty chair at your table today?  It may not be for a loved one who is no longer with us but possibly a dream that has faded ... a relationship that has been broken ... a financial hardship that seems impossible.  There are many things that could ruin this day of giving thanks for the many blessings God has poured out on us ... if we give them that power. 

The choice is ours.

I have decided to dry my tears ... I know there will be many more in the days to come ... hold my husband, children and grandchildren a little bit tighter, thanking God for every day I have them in my life, and spend the day being thankful for God's goodness, mercy and grace that is new and fresh every day.

Would I call Annette back because I miss her so terribly?   No .... she's dancing down the streets of Heaven ... pain free, healed and whole.  Instead, I will remember the blessing she was to all of those who knew and loved her.

Instead of focusing on the empty chair ... I'll turn my attention to the overflowing cup of grace that now sits on my table.
Goodbye Anne ... we'll see you again soon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Time For Giving ...

As the weather begins to cool and we catch a hint of relief from the summer's unsympathetic heat, in our mind's eye we can catch a glimpse of football games, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows over a roaring fire, and snuggling into a warm new sweatshirt.

For those of us here in the south those days aren't quite here yet but, every now and then, when the breeze blows just a certain way, we can feel it -- it's in the air -- Autumn!  And, as the air gets chillier and the mornings brisker, we find ourselves looking forward to the comforting fragrances of cinnamon, fresh apples, cloves, and other wonderful scents that begin stirring up a sense of holiday excitement that has lain dormant for seven or eight months.

              not everyone.   

There are those in our communities who, although they may welcome the cooler temperatures, are dreading the approaching fall and winter months because there are not enough blankets for tucking the kids in bed on cold nights, not enough money to pay the rising heating bills, and last year's jackets no  longer fit.  There's no anticipation of delicious fragrances and thoughts of the upcoming holidays fill their hearts with despair.  As the cooler temperatures arrive and the Holiday season approaches, the needs of many low income families will become even greater.
  • blankets
  • warm clothing and coats
  • holiday foods
  • Christmas gifts for their children
Can God use you to touch one family this winter?  Is there a blanket or afghan packed away somewhere that you rarely use?  Has someone in your household outgrown a sweater or jacket this year?  Many families living in and around our communities will be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in very sad circumstances.  What better time for us to share with them the love of our Savior?

Requests are already coming in to local food banks and shelters for blankets, coats, and food.

I hope you will join me in reaching out to those who are facing a long cold winter and bring your gifts to local churches and outreach ministries. 

Is there someone near you whom you can bless with a friendly visit, a small gift, or a home-cooked meal at any time, but especially the holidays?  What an awesome way to live our lives with Purpose and Joy!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Autumn .. a Time of Renewal.

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  And yet, it's actually the season of slowing down, sloughing off, and yes ... even death.   How could anything like that be so beautiful?  The vibrant reds, yellows and oranges of the leaves just before they fall to the ground and die. 
The gorgeous, sleek horses romp and play in the crisp air even as they begin to grow their shaggy overcoats to keep them warm when the north winds begin to blow. Slowly the sweet songs of the birds begin to die out as they head for warmer climates.  The butterflies in the fields disappear.   The prairies of wildflowers are turning brown .. mourning the deaths of the morning glories, bluebonnets, and buttercups.  And yet...there's a hint of excitement in the air. 
                                      Where did that come from?
Since the beginning of time, the seasons have come and gone. (Ecc. 3:3)  The earth knows that new life is only lying dormant for a time and then will return with renewed glory and vigor.  The bare trees stand proud and tall, knowing this is only a season of renewal.  The birds and butterflies disappear to warmer climates ... for a time of refreshing ... they know they will return bringing new life with them in the Spring.   Wild flowers that once spread their beauty across the fields have dropped their seeds, to lie in their deep earthy graves ... awaiting the day they will spring forth in a blaze of color.   As I gaze out at the fall beauty around me, I hear that still small Voice within whispering, "Consider the lilies of the field.."  (Luke 12:27-28)  Hmmm...

These seasons of renewal are not only for the earth ... they're for me
...  and for you.  

The beauty of this approaching Fall season is prompting me to reflect on things in my life that need renewing. I need a time of refreshing. There are areas of my heart and spirit that have lain dormant (did they die?) for a time.  But as I turn my eyes toward the Giver of Life I can feel my spirit leap to attention.  My hope and faith are renewed.  I can look at things differently ... disappointments are still there but now I can put them behind me and move forward with the promise of better things on the horizon.  Grief and loss are being replaced with hope and expectation. 

What do you need renewed in your life today?  What difference would it make if you focused your attention on the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you?  (Heb 13:5) That surely Goodness and Mercy will follow you ALL the days of your life and your soul will be restored?  (Psalm 23)   

The root of the word "refreshing" means to "cool by blowing" with the potential for change and renewal ... the place where we can experience the very breath of God, ".... a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord." (Acts 3:19-21)  

The cooler temperatures haven't reached our part of Texas yet ... but they're on the way.  However, after spending some much needed quiet time in His presence, some soul-searching and yes, some repenting, I'm enjoying my time of refreshing and renewal ... and ready to continue living life with purpose and joy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Now That It's Monday ...

Ethan, Emily & Trevor
We've eaten platesful of ham, chicken, or barbecue with sides of beans, potato salad, rolls and all kinds of decadent desserts.  We've taken pictures of the kids dressed up in their new clothes, scraped the last red jelly bean out of the carpet and, hopefully, found the last hidden hard-boiled Easter egg (winking at Linda).  Those who only attend church on Easter and Christmas have nearly nine months before they have to dress up and go again.  The songs have been sung, crucifixion sermons have been preached, and there's not a chocolate Easter Bunny in all the land with it's ears still intact.  The Easter celebration is over for another year.
Now what?
I love Easter .. Resurrection Sunday.  The food, colored eggs, new clothes ... I love it all.  But for me it's a reminder that life is still good.  No matter what is happening in the world or in my own life, the message of the resurrection of Christ brings a renewed hope and expectation of things to come.  Spring is in the air ... new life all around us.
Cody & baby Carson

The trees are putting on leaves ... gardens are flourishing ... the smell of freshly mown grass is in the air.

Resurrection is everywhere!

Is there something in your life that needs to be resurrected?  An unfulfilled dream?  A relationship that has lost its passion?  The hope that things will ever get better?  I know there are areas in my own life that need to be resurrected.  As a Christian, I know that there is a divine plan for my life but, if I lose sight of my goals,  I'll find myself struggling to just get through another day.  I've learned that changing my focus from my probems (and we all have them) to the blessings in my life (we all have those too!) gives me renewed energy and motivation to get back up and start again. 

We all have strengths ... talents ...  purpose. 
Jacee, Jaden, Jacob & Garrett

Life goes on.  We each have the choice to move forward regardless of the obstacles in our way:

 health issues
       missed opportunities 

...or we can stay where we are - paralyzed in regret and resentment.  Where are you today?  The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is our source of hope and expectation that there is nothing that cannot be resurrected and renewed.  
Having turned 60 last summer, my biggest hurdle is the feeling that I'm "too old" to be of much use at this point in time.  That's not the truth ... but it can cast a pretty big shadow sometimes.  Whatever your hurdle is ... let's catch a new vision ... dream a new dream ... and allow God to breathe a breath of life into our renewed purpose.  I'm ready to go forth in JOY!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Precious Memories ....

Memories .....
                        they can evoke powerful emotions .... good and bad.   As a life coach, I often help people process through painful memories of their past.  But many times reliving the good memories can bring healing to the spirit.  My sisters and I experienced this over the weekend while visiting with our 82-yr-old dad who now lives in a nursing home.  Having suffered several debilitating strokes and then the sudden accidental death of our mother last year, Dad is often confused and has difficulty speaking coherently most of the time.  But we do get glimpses of "Daddy" from time to time and we know he's still in there.  Often we'll bring pictures or try to talk about the "good old days" hoping to jog his memory and stimulate his senses enough to keep him communicating and able to relate to his surroundings.  On this last visit we began talking about the days when he traveled and sang with the southern gospel quartet, The Virginia Travelers, and how later my sisters and I sang back-up for him when he did his solos. 
Left to Right - Mitch Brown (Dad), Glenn Currier, Dave Rose, Jim Cook, Paul Secord at the piano
As we began singing, his countenance brightened and he began to sing along with us.  The tears began to flow as we realized he was singing harmony and remembered the words of the songs he sang so many years ago.  We could see he was reliving those wonderful days.  Soon we had staff and visitors
standing outside the door of our private little room listening in on our "jam session" with Dad.  No one but us knew that this precious elderly man had once traveled extensively singing in great concert halls as well as many churches and camps spreading the Good News in song and Christian entertainment for many years.  His beautiful natural tenor voice made him a favorite and there were many requests for his solo features such as "Oh What A Savior," "I've Been To Calvary," and "Sweet Jesus."  His voice is now weak, cracked, and often hard to hear ... but I believe the angels in Heaven stopped their singing that day to listen once again to Mitch Brown sing "What a Day That Will Be."
Mitch Brown 2012                                                            Mitch Brown 1962

Thank you, Dad, for living your life with great purpose and joy!
Left to Right - Margie, Debbi, Dad, Lena, Annette

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My "Not To Do" List

Everyone who knows me very well at all knows that I'm a list person.  I have lists in my purse, lists in my car, lists made on scraps of paper lying around the house, and numerous journals and small notebooks with lists of everything that can be listed.  My husband, Dave, teases me about needing a list of my lists.  (Don't tell him ... but I  do have one!)   On any given day you'll find me working off of more than one To Do list.  I have a To Do list for today, one for this week, and one for "As Soon As I Can."

My lists are my friends.

They help keep me organized.
They help me be sure I get everything done.
They keep me from forgetting important dates and appointments (most of the time!)
But, lately, I've begun to realize that my lists do one other thing:

They keep me in a constant state of "I've got to ....."

I always have something to do.  My To Do list never gets completely done.  So what doesn't get done today will end up on tomorrow's list, making it longer - more likely not to be finished and, therefore, making the day after tomorrow's list even longer.  It's taken years, but I'm finally beginning to recognize a pattern here. I've been living my life with purpose ... missing out on a lot of the joy.  So ....
I've made another list.

My Not To Do List.   Things that I can scratch off of my To Do list.

1.  Getting the yard furniture I've just put together out of my living room and into the back yard where it belongs.   It's been raining for three days and still two more days of rain in the forecast. I can push the tables against the walls and at least have the room neat until the sun comes back out.

2.  Clean and vacuum the living room.   See #1.

3.  Straighten the playroom and clean the hall bathroom.   My grandchildren have been here every afternoon this week and will be here next week during Spring Break.  Scooping the toys into the toybox and freshening the bathroom will suffice until they get back to school. 

I can feel my stress levels coming down already.  Moving these items from my To Do list to my Not To Do list means I can enjoy a second cup of coffee with Dave on our only day together without focusing on what I "should" do as soon as I've swallowed the last drop. 

The laundry is done and that last load of towels can sit in the dryer until later.
I can finish this blog post (my To Do lists have kept me away for a month now) without being nagged by the need to sweep the kitchen floor.  It's not that bad and can wait until I'm in there fixing lunch for Dave.  
Dave and I can have lunch together without me jumping up to strip the bed linens ... as long as I get the bed changed before bedtime we're good. 

Everything on my Not To Do List will still have to be done.  They will end up on my To Do list again ... but not today.  I'm learning to find the balance between being driven and being lazy.  I stumbled across this scripture the other day in Ecclesiastes 2:22-23 (CEV) "What do we really gain from all of our hard work?  Our bodies ache during the day, and work is torture.  Then at night our thoughts are troubled."   (Probably from stressing over all the things we didn't get done!)  The writer goes on to say, "It just doesn't make sense!" (Ecclesiastes 2:24 CEV) This is not to say we should be haphazard ... I believe in hard work and excellence in all that we do.  But I've allowed the things on my To Do lists to interfere with my spiritual life.  My alone time with God has taken a backseat to things that I think I must do but that don't really satisfy my inner being. In  Isaiah 55:2-3 we find God saying, "Why work hard for something that doesn't satisfy? Listen carefully to Me and you will enjoy the very best foods.  Pay close attention!  Come close to Me and live." (CEV)  What a refreshing invitation!

My inner peace and satisfaction is increasing as I learn to live in the moment ... enjoying the limited alone time I have with my husband who works long hard hours to provide a comfortable living ....  relishing the time spent with my precious grandchildren .... cherishing every moment I have left with my elderly dad who now lives alone in a nursing home since the death of my mother last year.   And most of all, spending more time in His presence ... where my soul is refreshed and restored. 

So here I sit ... at His feet (with my lists still clutched tightly in my hand) trying to find the balance between the Mary and Martha in me.   To quote  Lisa Bevere,  "I'm sitting at the feet of Jesus ... but who's going to fix dinner?"   It's a learning curve ... but I'm making progress! 

Hugs and Blessings,


Friday, February 3, 2012

Superbowl Party!

Here it is nearly kick-off time for the Superbowl again.  You'll have to look long and hard to find anyone any less interested in football or the Superbowl .... but I'm all about the party!  And the food!   And most of the commercials.  My grandsons play football -- all the way from High School varsity to Pee-Wee flag football but I still don't know a thing about the game.  I adore my boys, but those stadium seats are waaaaay too hard and the games are too long with too many timeouts.  Since I never know what's going on, i just try to clap when everyone else is clapping and occasionally ask someone nearby, "Are we winning?"  And whenever they all end up in a heap my heart stops until I'm sure it's not one of the Morel boys on the bottom.  After that, I go back to munching my hotdog and looking at my watch.  "Is it almost over?"  My interest in the Superbowl each year is limited to, "Is Dallas playing?"  If they are, I watch the news the next morning to see if we won.  But the party and the food ... now that's different.  I lurk around the fringes, trying the dips, the new sauce, hotwings, plenty of Diet Coke ....

with little to no interest in the real purpose of the party.
Ethan & Jacob

I'm just there for the food and fun .... I'm not really participating.

How many people go through life that way?  Hanging around the periphery with no interest in the game.  No commitment.  No goal.

                         No purpose.

When the Superbowl is over .. I can join in neither the thrill of victory nor the pain of defeat.  All I have is indigestion and a mess to clean up.  I can't participate in the rehash of the game ... I wasn't paying attention.  I don't want to live my life that way.  I want to be fully involved (I would refer to one of the important players of the football team .. but I don't know any).  God gave each of us a purpose to fulfill ... dreams to realize ... assignments to accomplish.  I've begun this new year with a game plan.  I've got my "playbook" in which I'm writing down my goals and my plan for achieving each one of them, and I've got my "game face" on.  I'm still not interested in football, but in the game of Life .... I plan on doing the "Victory Dance" when I'm through!

The Morel football team ...    

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Accidental Friends?

In my sister’s recent blog post the other day (Be Still And Know), she speaks of how wonderful it is to know that we are not alone, that God brings people together with certain gifts and anointings for just “such a time as this,” and uses each of us to meet the needs of others.  As I was reading that it reminded me of a children’s book by Dandi Mackall, “Made For A Purpose.”  The book is about a sad, lonely little girl who has been deeply hurt and disappointed and has shut herself away from the world, thinking she can be just fine by herself and has no need of friends.  She thinks she already knows what she wants to be when she grows up and just stays focused on that, keeping to herself. Through a series of “coincidences” she ends up meeting the need of a group of kids her age and, through their kindness and friendship, has her own need for love and acceptance met.  She discovers that she didn’t have to be alone, that God loved her and created her with a purpose.
                  It was God who had given her the dreams and ideas for her future.

There have been so many times when I’ve needed love, guidance, support .. and just when I didn’t know where to turn, someone came into my life who had just the right word, the right advice, a strong arm to hold me up when I needed it the most.

Accidental friendships …. or divine appointments?

I don’t want to always be on the receiving end of these appointments, do you?  As in my sister’s group of classmates, I want to be able to give as much, if not more, than I get.  There have been times when I knew I was the “giver.”  Other times … not so much.  But I have learned that we all have a contribution to make.  We can “bear one another’s burdens” and, have our own load lightened when we need it as well.  We’re not accidental friends … we were created and brought together for a purpose.
To love others and see their lives changed!
One thing I have learned is that God uses people to help people.  I believe in miracles ... but most miracles come in the form of someone fulfilling their purpose of reaching out and touching others. 
                            A box of groceries left on the front porch.
                            A nurse in the hospital hallway with a hug when the news is bad.
                            A Facebook “friend” with a word of encouragement.  
Someone needs a word … a prayer … a touch today.  You have that! I've discovered that when I'm reaching out to others with God’s love, I'm truly living life with Purpose and Joy!

Friday, January 13, 2012

If God Gives You a Jackass ....

NOTE:  For the ladies who immediately thought of their husbands ... contact me and we can work on that.  That's another whole ball game all together.

The other day as I was doing some reading, I came across a quote that completely took me aback ... and I just haven't been able to shake it.  It's like getting a song stuck in your head and it won't go away. 
 “If you’ve been praying for a Cadillac and God gives you a jackass .. ride it.”  (Unknown)

I had to read it a couple of times to get the full impact. How many sermons have we heard on delighting ourselves in the Lord and then He'll give us the desires of our heart?   It's in the Bible, "Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires." (Ps. 37:4 NLT) ... and I believe every word of it. 

So how in the world did I end up with this jackass?

There have been so many times when I've prayed, wished, hoped, and prayed some more for something that just didn't happen, or work out the way I wanted ... and then later looked back and saw that what I got was exactly what I really needed.  My husband will tell you that I definitely have Cadillac taste.  But sometimes a Cadillac is just not the answer ....

... not really the desire of my heart.

Sometimes, the Cadillac is the desire of my head ... my imagination ... my mental image of success.   When I examined the true "desires of my heart" I found that what I really desire is protection from predators - spiritual as well as physical, a calm spirit when fear comes knocking on my door, strength and stability to navigate the rocky hillsides that the path of life often takes me through.  Stopping to consider the qualities of the American jackass I found that these are some of the very attributes that make this animal of great value to the livestock owner.  They are fierce protectors of livestock .. wolves, coyotes, dogs and snakes don't stand a chance against a jack or jenny standing guard in the pasture.  They have a strong calming effect on nervous horses in the barn at night.  And when the need arises to pack a load over steep or rocky passages ... where do we turn?  That's right.

I believe our Father answers every prayer ... He wants us to have all the good things in this life.  I believe in coming boldly before His throne as His children and making our petitions known.  But I have found that sometimes the answer to my prayer is not what I asked for ... but always what I need. 

So ... If you've been asking God for a Cadillac and He gives you a jackass ... ride it!